Interludes — A group exhibition


Prairie Gallery presents Interludes, a group exhibition featuring the work of 15 regional and international artists.  Curated by artist and gallery owner Jillian Solotes, the show brings together a collection of intimate works, both in scale and scope, connected by personal histories, interactions, and conversations—the interludes between industry and rest, where creativity is nurtured and reinvigorated.

This exhibition features small-scale works of photography, painting, and sculpture that explore the depths and layers of familial landscapes.  Interludes are spontaneous moments and spaces between, intersections and intervals of time, however brief or fleeting.  Collective experiences and even the commonplace or quotidian become the work itself.  Interludes offers a candid look at the playful overlays and interlacements of love, memories, and time together as a shared release that reveals a paradigm for art making.

For Solotes, the idea of “interludes” is highly personal, a reference to places of tranquility, serenity in nature, or even play that inspires.  “Moments alongside the ones closest to us inform and resonate within, allowing us to examine what falls away and what is revealed,” she says, “for without those relationships, the work would not exist.”

Communities, both organic and constructed, influence our creative practices.  The hours we dedicate to nurturing ourselves, each other, and our craft are intentional, focused, and directed at what we aspire to cultivate.  The fruits of our practice materialize through this natural process, yielding connections, beauty, grief, life, death, and kinship.

In movement, we encounter balance, crescendos, cacophonies, mistakes, and triumphs, all transpiring within a fleeting moment.  In stillness, we find contemplation, attentive listening, vivid dreams, and profound depths.  Amidst the compression and release of life, our art is vital, urgent, and calm:  a pause between the outlined and the interludes, embracing the freedom within limitations, a lull, as simple or stark as a single breath.

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